Friday 8 July 2016

Brownie Downing Collectors Plates Aboriginal Child

"For generations of children and adults in Australia and overseas, Brownie Downing brought out the magic of childhood, the Australian bush and its native inhabitants in an art career spanning several decades. Through her sketches, watercolours, porcelain items and, later, illustrated children’s books, she earned a distinct place in Australia’s art world. Downing’s achievement is intriguing – her most successful subject, Aboriginal Australia, was one she did not really know first hand; only in an idealised form. Her success lay in an ability to capture the simple, naive beauty and innocence of children and wildlife in a way that transcended any one culture. That quality, developed early on in a corner of Sydney’s northern suburbs, never left her, staying with her in the second half of her life lived entirely overseas."
"Just where the inspiration for the Aboriginal subjects came from remains something of a mystery. Holden says the strongest work he saw of Downing’s were in a scrapbook filled with what he believes must have been live studies of Aboriginal children. Sonia Downing says her sister did eventually visit Aboriginal communities, but not until well after her career was underway. Today, Holden observes, Downing’s stylised work would probably not survive the more rigorous tests of political correctness. But he says this is more a reflection of changing times and social values than of Downing herself. “Brownie’s work is part of the history of fashion and the history of taste.” Downing’s formative period in the 1950s, he says, was one in which there was “still a certain naivety, a certain sentiment that could be employed, or enjoyed, that we have lost today”.

Brownie Downing Miniature Plate
Brownie Downing Miniature Plate

Brownie Downing Miniature Plate
Brownie Downing Miniature Plate

Brownie Downing Miniature Plate
Brownie Downing Miniature Plate

Brownie Downing Miniature Plate
Brownie Downing Miniature Plate

Brownie Downing Miniature Plate
Brownie Downing Miniature Plate

These vintage plates are available on Ebay. seller:gardner_and_daughters